Click on images to enlarge them

Friday, November 03, 2023


Teardown of Cheap Digital Protractors

I recently bought a "Digital Protractor", as I was curious about how it works. On Amazon, the price was about 16 USD.

So here is a visual teardown,  in 4 easy photos.  :-)

I was hoping there would be a hidden data port, similar to what is found on Digital Calipers, but no such luck.  The basic mechanism its similar: as circular track instead of a linear track.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

 Fixing a Corroded Battery-Bay Module on HP-41CV Calculator

First let's get this next bit out of the way.  I am not responsible for anyone's bad results and/or damage to their calculator or tools: insert standard CYA clause here.  This post is "AS-IS".

This post shows how I was able to repair a HP-41CV calculator which had a badly corroded battery pad.
While the method described below worked well for my case,  self-assessment of your skills will determine your success.  This method requires at least intermediate soldering skills. 

This post will show how to repair a single contact pad on the battery-bay pad.  It will not show how to remove the assembly from the HP-41, as there are several good YouTube videos on how to do this.  The focus will be just on the repair of the battery-bay pad once removed from the HP-41.

The photo below shows the damaged battery-bay and expansion port module as initially found in the HP-41.  Note the blue-green corrosion on the right-most pad.  The corrosion was extensive enough to have eaten through the copper at the point of contact for the battery pack terminal.

The following photos show one method to fix a corroded battery-bay and expansion port module pad on a HP-41CV calculator. 

Tools and Materials Needed

  • Fine-pointed soldering iron
  • Flux solder paste and application brush
  • Brass shim stock (0.001")
  • Scissors for cutting shim stock
  • X-acto or scalpel knife 
  • Bristle brush
  • Tweezers
  • Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA)
  • Super-glue

Method Procedure

Below is a photo of the whole battery-bay and expansion port module as initially remove from the HP-41CV.

The next step is to carefully remove as much of the corrosion as possible from around the pad being rebuilt.  Use a moderately stiff bristle brush, together with IPA (IsoPropyl Alcohol), to gently scrub the module.  When the area has been cleaned, let the module dry.

After cleaning, take a sharp scalpel or X-acto knife and gently scrape the conformal coating off the area above the pad area.  Only scrap away enough to expose the underlying copper layer.  Expose an area about 3mm in diameter.

The next step is to tin this newly exposed area.  First apply a small amount of flux paste to the exposed copper area.  Then, with a fine-tipped soldering iron primed with a bit of solder, tin the exposed copper surface.  This should be done quickly to prevent damaging adjacent plastic areas.  Unfortunately,  the photo of this step was lost.

The new step will be the forming of an overlay made from 0.001" brass shim stock.  Using scissors, cut out an overlay such that it closely conforms to the same shape as the corroded pad.  Press the overlay onto the pad area  so that it follows the contours of the underlying pad.

When a good overlay has been cut from the brass shim stock, the end of the overlay corresponding to the tinned area on the module should be tinned: both front and back sides.

Now the (somewhat) tricky part.
Press the overlay onto the pad area so that it covers the protruding area and the overlay tinned area is in contact with the scrapped-off and tinned area of the module.  Hold the overlay in place with tweezers or similar tool. With a fine-tipped soldering iron, touch the overlay's tinned spot. The soldering iron heat should immediately melt both front/back solder on the overlay as well as melt the scrapped-off area solder.   Continue to hold the overlay in place with tweezers and remove the soldering iron.  
Once the solder has cooled, carefully insure the overlay still well formed over the pad area.
Finally, use superglue to attach the lower edge of the overlay to the under side of the pad area.

Below shows a photo of this whole step.

As an optional step, a conformal coating could be applied to the soldered area, but be sure not to coat the pad area.


Here is another photo showing a different battery bay expansion port fix.  This came from a HP-41CV which was heavily damaged: with both case damage and battery leakage corrosion.  The repaired battery contact, with brass shim fix, was completely eaten away. While the other battery  pads don't appear to be much better, with a multimeter I successful checked the continuity of each battery pad.  I also checked the other upper pads and they appeared to be good too, but I think I will paint each suspicious trace with conductive paint.

Wednesday, May 04, 2016

TrackR-Eddystone -- it's alive!

I have put all the pieces back together and now have on-person Eddystone device!  I'm just a walking beacon!  :-)

I have created a short video, which is pretty terse, but give a basic demo the TrackR-Eddystone device beaconing the URL to this blog.  This is heard by my iPhone which has the Chrome Physical Web extension  (see prior post for details).

Friday, April 29, 2016

How to open the TrackR device

My initial method for opening the TrackR was a bit messy and complicated.  In reviewing how the TrackR was manufactured, I now realize that opening the device is much simpler than I originally thought.  Here is my new method for opening the TrackR case.

To start, open the battery compartment door and remove the coin-cell battery.

Basically the case is held together by two methods: double-side tape, and a snap system.  

The double-sided tape (Scotch ATG 908 for example) holds the metal outer case to the inner plastic housing.  Using this new method, you should not have to use any double-sided tape, as you will not be removing the two haves of the plastic inner casing from the outer metal case.  The double-side tape is gossamer thin and difficult and messy to work with.

The two halves of the plastic case are primarily held together by a snap system.  So by carefully inserting a thin Xacto blade between the two plastic halves, the case can be split opened.  

There is just one minor complication (ain't there always!).  The double-sided tape on the metal case extends a bit over the plastic case edges and forms a slight bond between the top plastic part and the lower plastic part.  The extend of this bond area is about 2 millimeters from the plastic case edges.  So in order to split the case open, this tape layer must be cut.  

See the photo below which shows where to start the insertion of the Xacto blade.  Again, the blade is only cutting to a depth of 2mm, not deeper.  Cut and then slightly pry upward, working your way around the case.  In other words, the cut action will break the tape bond, and the pry action will release the snaps.  You should feel the snaps popping as the case starts opening.

When finished, the opened case should look like the photo below.  

As you open the case, the button "bean" probably will fall out of its holder: don't lose it.  I suggest taping it to the back of the case after it has been opened.

If you look closely at the photo above the remnants of the double-sided tape can be seen on the blue metal case.  This can be removed by carefully rubbing it with your finger or a pencil eraser.  Its not absolutely necessary to remove it, unless your sense of ascetics requires it  :-) 

Don't open the case more than necessary: about a 45 or 50 degree angle.  This prevents metal fatigue of the metal case hinge.

To remove the PCB, open the battery compartment door so that it is all the way open.  This will allow the whole PCB to be removed.  Once the PCB has been removed from the case, you can follow the earlier posts to begin the process of installing the new firmware.

Later, when you want to close the case for actual use, you will reverse the operations used to open the case, but without reapplying the double-sided tape on the edges.  Open the battery compartment door to allow the insertion of the PCB.  Don't forget to slide the battery terminal blade into the little slot.  The PCB should now be sitting in the case without any binding.   Close the battery compartment door to keep the PCB in place.  Flip the case over so the button hole is downward and place the button "bean" into the button hole.  Now guide the two case halves together so that the snap pins align with the snap holes.  You should feels the snaps pop as the set in their respective holes.  Open the battery case and insert the battery.  You should see the blue LED begin flashing and a beep tone. Success!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Eddystone beacon firmware on TrackR hardware

So I was able to write new firmware for the TrackR and program it into the TrackR's flash memory.  This new firmware implements Google's "Eddystone" beacon. The firmware is available on my github project.

The basic operation is fairly simple.  For the first 20 seconds after battery-insertion the TrackR device advertises in connect mode.  During this time the blue LED will slowly flash.  This allows the user the option to change the beaconing URL  If no connection is made and the 20 seconds timeout happens, the TrackR enters true Eddystone beaconing mode. Only by power-cycling (battery removal/insertion) will the device enter update mode again.  I have set the default URL to Google's Eddystone documentation, but again, the URL can be changed.

The utility I recommend for changing the URL is Nordic's Master Control Panel (MCP).  This Android app allows you to connect to a Bluetooth Low-Energy device.  Once you establish a connection, the blue LED will true solid.  Below is a screenshot showing the Eddystone Service and Characteristics.  Clicking on the up-arrow icon on the right side of the URL characteristic, a pop-up dialog will allow you to enter a new URL.  Select "Text" type and then enter the shortened URL string.  This string must be 17 characters or less.  The recommended way to shorten the URL is through an online URL Shortener utility, such as Google's or others.

Once you disconnect from device, there will be a 20 second timeout, after which the TrackR will enter Eddystone mode and begin beaconing the new URL.

You can use Google's Physical Web app, available in PlayStore, to listen for Eddystone devices.  This app is also available in the PlayStore.

Below is a screenshot showing the Physical Web app recognizing my TrackR + Eddystone beacon in tabular form.

Below is another useful Android app: the Eddystone Validator.  Again, it's in the PlayStore.  This app will show all three info items beaconed  by Eddystone:  UID, URL, and TLM.  The TLM info contains the TrackR's temperature, which should be close to the ambient temperature: 18.0C in this case.  The battery voltage is also available, in millivolts:  2892mV in this case.

While developing the firmware, I really wanted the ability to display debug output via a serial interface.  The nRF51822 has two UARTs, but the TrackR doesn't have any connection points specifically for console support.

My solution was to repurpose the two buzzer lines and use them for the UART's TX and RX lines.
An overview of this is shown below. The USB-to-Serial-ttl module is a FTDI FT232RL based designs, sold through SparkFun.

Friday, March 04, 2016

Establishing a SWD Connection to the TrackR

This posting shows how to connect and use the Segger “JLink.Exe” utility to connect to the TrackR device. Below is an overview photo of how I established a SWD connection to the TrackR. Much of the components on the left side of the photo may be substituted for your own equipment: Standard JLink or other SWD compatible adapter could be used. The important concern is to get the SWD related lines mapped into the connector cable.

TrackR to SWD Adapter Connection Overview

Details on these SWD mappings are shown in the following photo.

After you have physically connected the SWD adapter to to the TrackR, start the JLink program on the system connected to the SWD (JLink) adapter. Using a command line shell, you should be able to connect to the TrackR by following the red hi-lited sequence in the listing below.

knots:~ robin$ JLinkExe -if SWD -device nrf51822_xxab -speed 1000
SEGGER J-Link Commander V5.10f (Compiled Dec 22 2015 14:25:20)
DLL version V5.10f, compiled Dec 22 2015 14:25:14

Connecting to J-Link via USB...O.K.
Firmware: J-Link ARM Lite V8 compiled Oct 29 2014 09:03:16
Hardware version: V8.00
S/N: xxxxxxxxx
License(s): GDB
Emulator has Trace capability
VTref = 2.957V

Type "connect" to establish a target connection, '?' for help
Device "NRF51822_XXAB" selected.

Found SWD-DP with ID 0x0BB11477
Found Cortex-M0 r0p0, Little endian.
FPUnit: 4 code (BP) slots and 0 literal slots
CoreSight components:
ROMTbl 0 @ F0000000
ROMTbl 0 [0]: F00FF000, CID: B105100D, PID: 000BB471 ROM Table
ROMTbl 1 @ E00FF000
ROMTbl 1 [0]: FFF0F000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB008 SCS
ROMTbl 1 [1]: FFF02000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB00A DWT
ROMTbl 1 [2]: FFF03000, CID: B105E00D, PID: 000BB00B FPB
ROMTbl 0 [1]: 00002000, CID: B105900D, PID: 000BB9A3 ???
Cortex-M0 identified.
PC = 000119CE, CycleCnt = 00000000
R0 = 20000103, R1 = 00000032, R2 = E000E200, R3 = 00000032
R4 = 00000000, R5 = 20002AB4, R6 = 00000000, R7 = 00000000
R8 = FFFFFFFF, R9 = FFFFFFFF, R10= 0001CFF0, R11= 0001CFF0
SP(R13)= 20003AF0, MSP= 20003AF0, PSP= FFFFFFFC, R14(LR) = 0000116B
XPSR = 61000000: APSR = nZCvq, EPSR = 01000000, IPSR = 000 (NoException)
CFBP = 00000000, CONTROL = 00, FAULTMASK = 00, BASEPRI = 00, PRIMASK = 00
000119CE:  40 BF              SEV
000119D0:  20 BF              WFE
000119D2:  41 78              LDRB    R1, [R0, #+0x01]
000119D4:  03 78              LDRB    R3, [R0]

000119D6:  43 70              STRB    R3, [R0, #+0x01]

Thursday, March 03, 2016

A Tear-down of TrackR Device, a Bluetooth-Low-Energy Based Locator Fob

For Christmas, my wife gave me a TrackR device (see photo below).  I played with it for a while and then put it aside, as I got busy with other things.

Yesterday I noticed it again on my dresser and began wondering what Bluetooth Low-Energy chipset was being used in can already tell this isn't going to end well for the TrackR device.

Anyway, one thing lead to another and I am now pushing out a simple tear-down of the TrackR device.

The TrackR Locator Fob

Above is a photo of the intact TrackR device.  It's really quite small and thin.  There are apps for both Android and iOS.

To open the shell case, use an X-acto knife and gently slide the blade between the aluminum shell and the middle black plastic casing.  The shell adheres to the casing with double-sided tape, and should be relatively easy to open.  A little prying is needed, but be careful as the aluminum shell is soft and easily deformed if you're not careful.

Once you have completely remove the middle black casing, you can clean the sticky tape from the shell with alcohol or the like.  Again, be gentle with the shell as it can be bent easily and the hinge can suffer from metal fatigue easily.

Major Parts of the TrackR

Above shows the major components after the shell has been removed. It is a surprisingly nice design/layout for such a relatively inexpensive device.

Close-Up of TrackR Internals

Above is a close up of the casing with the PCB board inserted.

Annotated TrackR PCB Board (Front Side)

The above annotated photo shows many of the interesting features for the TrackR PCB board. I was pleasently surprised to see that the nRF512822 (QFABC0) was used. This is the smallest (memory-wise) chip in the nRF51822 series, with 128K of flash, 16K RAM, and an ARM Cortex-M0 processor.

Annotated TrackR PCB Board (Back Side with Pogo Pin Pads)

The above photo shows the back side of the TrackR PCB board.  Notice the several circular metallic dots (pads) exposed.  There are probably pogo-pin pads used during manufacturing.

The SWDxxx pads are ICP (In Circuit Programming), e.g. loading the firmware onto the device.

The other pads are probably for QA testing during manufacturing to insure the boards works properly.  This allows the components which are more likely to fail during the manufacturing process to be tested:  Buttons and buzzer are items which often are faulty.

TrackR Aluminum Shell Case
(Note Non-Anodized Area for Antenna Contact)

The above photo shows the aluminum shell's inside.  The most significant feature is the non-anodized (silvery) area.  This is where the antenna connector (spring-finger) contacts the shell.  In other words, the shell is acting as the antenna.

NOTE:  When you put the TrackR back together, and use double-sided tape to secure the shell to the casing again, be especially sure that this non-anodize are is not covered by the tape, otherwise the antenna spring finger will not contact the shell.

Later, given some time, I might attempt to reprogram the TrackR with, say, Eddystone firmware.  This will allow the TrackR device to participate in the Google's "Physical Web" initiative.  There are apps for Android and iOS which interact with Eddystone devices.  I suggest reading about Eddystone and the Physical Web, if you're interested.  My github site has a project for Eddystone firmware of the Nordic PCA1001 board, which should be a good starting point for porting to the TrackR board.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Easy DFU Operation: Activating the nRF Toolbox DFU applet from your Android app.

I have been working on a way to quickly support nRF51 DFU (Device Firmware Update) for development teams. Below is a snippet of java code which shows what I have worked out so far. 

The general outline is that I write a test app which is used by me (nRF51 firmware developer) to exercise the firmware.  This test app is also used by other (mobile-side) developers to update the firmware on their devices.

So the general interaction is to start the Test app (seen below) and after connected, hit the "DFU" button. This will send the DFU-activation sequence to the selected device over BLE.  Upon completion of this sequence, the device should be in DFU mode (e.g. executing in the bootloader) and advertising itself as "DfuTarg".

The final Test app step is to invoke the standard Nordic "nRF Toolbox" app, which will immediately display the nRF Toolbox's "DFU" applet.  This is accomplished by the Test app creating an "intent" which targets the nRF Toolbox app: it starts the nRF Toolbox app's DFU applet and immediately displays the DFU screen.  From that point the user can select the update file (*.zip) and the target device, per normal for this DFU applet.

NOTE:  This code snippet is rather crude and could be improved greatly, but the general flow outline should give you a general operational idea.  This was tested on Android Lollipop with a Nexus 7 tablet.  YMMV on other versions or hardware.

    private static final String DFU_PACKAGE = "";

    private void triggerDFU() {
        Thread thread = new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    Log.d(TAG, String.format("enable Indicates for ServiceChanged"));
                    mBleWrapper.setIndicationForCharacteristic(mServiceChangedCharacteristic, true);
                    Log.d(TAG, String.format("enable Notifys for DfuControlPoint"));
                    mBleWrapper.setNotificationForCharacteristic(mDfuControlPointCharacteristic, true);
                    Log.d(TAG, String.format("write DFU-Start to DfuControlPoint"));
                    byte[] dfuStart_bytes = new byte[12];
                    dfuStart_bytes[0] = 0x01;  // Start DFU
                    dfuStart_bytes[1] = 0x04;  // Application

                    mBleWrapper.writeDataToCharacteristic(mDfuControlPointCharacteristic, dfuStart_bytes);
                    dfuDelayHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            try {
                                Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
                            } catch (Exception e) 
                                        "The \"nRF Toolbox\" app was not found. Please install it.",
                    }, DFU_DELAY);
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Working with Eddystone -- Bluetooth Low-Energy Beacon

I finally got around to trying Eddystone, the Google alternative to Apple's iBeacon.  I have to say I am impressed by what I have seen so far.  From the technology point, it appears to be a better beaconing solution than iBeacon.  Of course, iBeacons have a much larger install base, due to Apple's  initial lead in this area.

I have a Eddystone github project which I am able to experiment and play with this type of beacon.
The cool thing is that Google has provided several mobile-side apps which allow firmware developers to works with non-trivial apps.

On the Android there is an app, "Physical Web" which scans and lists any Eddystone beacons in the area.

On the iOS side, Google's Chrome browser has extended into the "Today" applet to list PhysicalWeb devices which include Eddystone.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Nordic nRF51822 PCA10001 Support for Pervasive Display Extension Board and 1.44" ePaper Display

I just published the "ble_app_epd" project on github.  This project uses the Nordic nRF51822 Evaluation Kit board to provide remote control to a Pervasive Displays 1.44" e-Paper display.

Nordic's nRF41822 Evaluation Kit contains the PCA10001 board which has the nRF51822 SoC and support circuitry useful for prototyping.

Below is a photo of the setup, showing the cabling between the two boards.
Details can be found at the github project.

The basic system is built upon and extends the Nordic nRF51 SDK example code for a virtual UART device over Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE): the extension being support for the e-Paper display.

A phone or tablet with the Nordic-supplied nRF-UART app installed (Android version or iOS version) is used to communicate with the ble_app_epd firmware running on the PCA10001 device.

Basically this virtual UART provides a simple terminal emulation onto the PCA10001.
From this terminal emulation, the user can type the "show" or "clear" commands to invoke the e-Paper actions.

This project is a relatively simple "starter" application for Pervasive Display e-Paper support on the nRF51822 SOC.  But is should provide the basic support needed for more ambitious e-Paper projects.

NOTE: This nRF51822 Evaluation Kit is being phased-out, but the new Eval Kit should work as well.  At this time, the original kits are still available in many of the standard supply chains.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

While not exactly the apex of good guerrilla filming, my wife and I went to a handful of Starbucks in the area to day and videoed paying for items with QR Safe displaying my Starbucks Loyalty Card (aka Gold Card) on my Pebble SmartWatch as a QR barcode.  Here are the YouTube links, which were all taken in Bellevue WA, Starbucks backyard.

Starbucks location 1
Starbucks location 2
Starbucks location 3

While the audio is generally weak, if you turn up the volume, the reactions from the baristas were quite remarkable.  After the purchase, several of the customers, off camera, would ask how they could do that too.  My wife and I were a bit overwhelmed by the positive comments.  Interestingly, as we make the rounds, I was becoming concerned that my loyalty card would run out of credits, but fortunately, that didn't happen.  :-)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I went to a corporate shindig a few weeks ago and several people asked me for my business card. Unfortunately, I didn't have any at that time.  This got me thinking about using my Pebble SmartWatch as a way to convey a e-business card of some form.

The shape of the Pebble's display, which is nearly square, seemed best suited for QR barcodes.  After about couple of weeks playing around, I finally stitched together a Pebble watch app and an complementary Android app, called "QR_Safe".  I can now create QR codes on the Android side and send them to the Pebble watch to be saved in its flash memory.  I currently support four slots, where each slot has a custom title to identify the QR code content.

Today was my big test for all this: I encoded my Starbuck's loyalty card number as a QR barcode and saved it to my Pebble.  At my local Starbucks I was able to pay for my beverage with the QR barcode displayed on my all worked!

Below is a photo of what a QR barcode looks like on a Pebble watch. This is an original "Kickstart Edition".

If you want to see a youtube video showing how a QR code is entered and sent to the Pebble watch, then click here

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Long time since the last post.

Recently, I have been playing with a Pebble SmartWatch interacting with an Android tablet, a Google Nexus-7.  In particular, I have built a pair of apps, one on the watch side which sends accelerometer data to the other on Android side, where the components of the accelerometer vector are shown as X, Y, and Z axis on real-time strip-chart (plot).  These paired apps form a distributive system, which in itself is not too terribly useful.  The point exercise is to enable some foundational infrastructure upon which I can build more interesting apps.

The complete source code for this project, called PebblePointer, can be found at  Take a look at the file and the wiki page for details.

A demo youtube video of this can been found at

Here is the watch side splash screen image:  a pointer at pebbles.  :-)

Here is a screenshot from the Android side.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Linksys WRT54G with bluetooth console access

I have been playing with Linksys WRT54G series routers and various firmware distros for several years. One of first mods usually is to solder a UART header to the router board in order to get console access. There are plenty of guides on how to do this, so I won't go into that procedure. Many write-up for show how to add a RS-232 9-pin D-shell connector. Usually this entails modifying the router case in order to mount the RS-232 header. I am reluctant to hack-up my router case to get console access. To my notion, the results often look hackish.

So I have found two solutions which don't require modifying the case.

The first is too simple to go into detail, but I just route the ribbon cable through the top two section of the router case. This leaves a small, unaesthetic gap where the ribbon cable pushes though and for this reason I am have move to the second solution.

My prefered solution for general router console access is via a Bluetooth connection. This Bluetooth connectivity is provided with a Bluetooth module such as the "BlueSMiRF" module sold by SparkFun (see note below). The Bluetooth connection is based on the SPP/RFCOMM profiles which this module supports. Access from Windows, Macs, and Linux systems quite easy. I use hyperterm on Windows-based systems and minicom on Linux-based systems.

A description of my procedures --

I constructed a new header cable with the standard 5x2 header and 10 strand ribbon cable. The cable length should be about one foot long (30cm) or so. The UART pins on the router board header are layed-out such that odd-numbered pins are UART0 and even-number pins are UART1. You can see in the photo below how, on the cable, I split-out the individual strands for each uart. I used shrink-tubing to re-gather the strands. I then soldered 4pin headers onto the ends of each cable branch. Be sure to cross-over the TX and RX cables at this time. Notice that the UART pins 4 and 8 are not connected and I just tucked them back into the shrink-tubing.

The new dual-headed cable should now be ready for use.

I connected an old "BlueSMiRF" module I bought from SparkFun years ago. The pin layout matched the layout of the new cable header. Then I "paired" the PC with the BlueSMiRF module and opened hyperterm using the new virtual com port. Tap a couple of [enter] and a prompt from the linksys shell should appear.

At this point I normally would stick the bluetooth module to the inside roof of the linksys case with double-side foam tape, and tuck the cable into the case before closing it. When closed up, the case should show no signs of this modification.

Since I didn't have two Bluetooth modules, I used a Serial-to-USB adapter with a RS-232-to-TTLv3 level converter to interact with the second UART. The last image shows a simple test in which the console UART sends a short message to the second UART.

1) Be sure to consider how to handle RTS/CTS on your bluetooth module. For the "BlueSMiRF" there is a 0-ohm pads which will short CTS to RTS. Your module probably has a similar option.

2) The second UART on the header usually is initialized at 9600 baud, not 115200 baud.

3) I don't believe SparkFun offers the same BlueSMiRF module as I used. The replacement part appears to be the "BlueSMiRF Gold", which is based on the Roving Networks module. This substitution should work without problems.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The FLEX Project

I am currently working on the FLEX cell phone device and its integration into Android MID platforms. The company behind this is Iota. Go there and take a look.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Android Emulator (Goldfish) Big-Screen Support

The Android emulator, for the "goldfish" platform, has limits on the size of screens it can emulate. Out of the box (actually the SDK) the largest screen support is around 800x600.

By tweeking the Goldfish kernel, I was able to emulate screen sizes up to 1366x768 (as shown in the screenshot). The required two kernel code adjustments: 1) increasing the framebuffer DMA size (CONSTISTENT_DMA_SIZE), and 2) increasing the DMA zone size (MAX_ORDER). Actually, if you usage is 1024x600 or below (common netbook size), then you only need to adjust the framebuffer DMA size.

In a perfect world, these hacked-in changes should be folded into the kernel configuration, e.g. Kconfig files, to allow ease in selecting and understanding. For example, the CONFIG_FORCE_MAX_ZONEORDER should be the perfered setter for MAX_ZONE, but Goldfish does not select this option.

As can be imagined, these changes have an impact on performance and so you'll want to run the emulator on a hefty system: 3Ghz processor, 2GB memory, and of course a good graphics adapter.

Below is a simple patch for these changes.

diff --git a/arch/arm/include/asm/memory.h b/arch/arm/include/asm/memory.h

index bf7c737..58127bc 100644
--- a/arch/arm/include/asm/memory.h
+++ b/arch/arm/include/asm/memory.h
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
* between 2MB and 14MB inclusive.
+#define CONSISTENT_DMA_SIZE SZ_8M // android big-screens

diff --git a/include/linux/mmzone.h b/include/linux/mmzone.h
index 428328a..9e92b16 100644
--- a/include/linux/mmzone.h
+++ b/include/linux/mmzone.h
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@

/* Free memory management - zoned buddy allocator. */
-#define MAX_ORDER 11
+#define MAX_ORDER 12 // android big-screen

Monday, August 31, 2009

Running Cell Simulator (SystemSim) on Ubuntu 9.04

Well, it took me all day, but I was able to get IBM's Cell processor simulator to run. It boots up a copy of Fedora 9 Linux which can be seen the the screenshot above. Next I want to write some code and experimenting with the Cell's SIMD processing.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Varia's Rumble-Mini

Varia has kindly allowed me to post these photos.

Here are some photos of Vairia's project, codename "Rumble-Mini" which I work on. This photo shows the Rumble-Mini device (based on Freescales i.MX-37 SoC). It runs the same application as the Varia Ibiza, which allows wifi-access to RealNetwork's Rhapody. The Rumble-Touch has a capacitive touchpad (not an overlay to LCD like the Rumble-Touch), 8 Gbytes of memory, and a WiFi radio. The operating system is Linux 2.6.24. The target price is in the $99 range.

Working on Rumble-Touch's touchscreen

This photo was taken when I was working on the touchscreen for Rumble-Touch. I wrote the Linux touchscreen input driver which controls the Analog Devices AD7147 capacitive-senor device.

When all these splayed-out parts are stuffed in the case, the LCD panel folds under the touchscreen glass and the battery is next to the main PCB. It all fits together into quite a small package.

Rumble-Touch side-by-side with iPhone

Here is a side-by-side view of the Rumble-Touch with an iPhone. This was an early version of the Rumble-Touch hardware and you can see the faint ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) pattern in the touchscreen surface. This has since been corrected, and now looks very good.
See for an overview of this technology.

Varia's Rumble-Touch

Varia has kindly allowed me to post these photos.

Here are some photos of Vairia's project, codename "Rumble-Touch" which I work on. These photos show the Rumble-Touch hardware (based on Freescales i.MX-37 SoC) running Android. It can also run the same application as the Varia Ibiza, which allows wifi-access to RealNetwork's Rhapody. The Rumble-Touch has a capacitive touchscreen, 8 or 16 Gbytes of memory, WiFi and Bluetooth radios. The operating system is Linux 2.6.24. The target price is in the $150 range.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Our apartment building in Tokyo

In 1985, my wife and I lived in Takadanobaba, as subsection of Tokyo, Japan.
The other day, I was curious as to whether Google Maps had a street-view of our old digs. It took some doing (Tokyo streets are quite difficult to navigate), but I was able to find the place.
Still looks pretty much as when we lived there. Our apartment was on the lower left side of the building on the ground floor.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Here is an image I took awhile back (late April or so) on a clear day which shows many of the mountains and geo. features in the Pacific Northwest.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

This was taken today (again NOAA 12) at 6:00PM. This swirl is pretty cool to my way of thinking! Just wish the it would swirl a little further north, as I am getting tired of the overcast weather.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

The is a full picture of QHA antenna I built.

Here is a picture of the basic equipment I use for capturing weather satellite images.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

I recently visited my sister, who lives near Brisbane Australia, for about three weeks. While I was there I was able to capture several weather satellite images from their "hinterland" home site. As the equipment was all hand-held radios/antennas/etc. the images a not the best. But it was fun anyway! Notice the yellow + for the approximate location of where this image was taken.