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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I went to a corporate shindig a few weeks ago and several people asked me for my business card. Unfortunately, I didn't have any at that time.  This got me thinking about using my Pebble SmartWatch as a way to convey a e-business card of some form.

The shape of the Pebble's display, which is nearly square, seemed best suited for QR barcodes.  After about couple of weeks playing around, I finally stitched together a Pebble watch app and an complementary Android app, called "QR_Safe".  I can now create QR codes on the Android side and send them to the Pebble watch to be saved in its flash memory.  I currently support four slots, where each slot has a custom title to identify the QR code content.

Today was my big test for all this: I encoded my Starbuck's loyalty card number as a QR barcode and saved it to my Pebble.  At my local Starbucks I was able to pay for my beverage with the QR barcode displayed on my all worked!

Below is a photo of what a QR barcode looks like on a Pebble watch. This is an original "Kickstart Edition".

If you want to see a youtube video showing how a QR code is entered and sent to the Pebble watch, then click here


Anonymous Eric Ogden said...

Robin - love, love this application of QR codes! Thanks for showing it to me at StartUp Weekend! ...hope that Pebble and Android can push this app - really useful!

2:26 PM  

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