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Saturday, July 19, 2014

While not exactly the apex of good guerrilla filming, my wife and I went to a handful of Starbucks in the area to day and videoed paying for items with QR Safe displaying my Starbucks Loyalty Card (aka Gold Card) on my Pebble SmartWatch as a QR barcode.  Here are the YouTube links, which were all taken in Bellevue WA, Starbucks backyard.

Starbucks location 1
Starbucks location 2
Starbucks location 3

While the audio is generally weak, if you turn up the volume, the reactions from the baristas were quite remarkable.  After the purchase, several of the customers, off camera, would ask how they could do that too.  My wife and I were a bit overwhelmed by the positive comments.  Interestingly, as we make the rounds, I was becoming concerned that my loyalty card would run out of credits, but fortunately, that didn't happen.  :-)

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I went to a corporate shindig a few weeks ago and several people asked me for my business card. Unfortunately, I didn't have any at that time.  This got me thinking about using my Pebble SmartWatch as a way to convey a e-business card of some form.

The shape of the Pebble's display, which is nearly square, seemed best suited for QR barcodes.  After about couple of weeks playing around, I finally stitched together a Pebble watch app and an complementary Android app, called "QR_Safe".  I can now create QR codes on the Android side and send them to the Pebble watch to be saved in its flash memory.  I currently support four slots, where each slot has a custom title to identify the QR code content.

Today was my big test for all this: I encoded my Starbuck's loyalty card number as a QR barcode and saved it to my Pebble.  At my local Starbucks I was able to pay for my beverage with the QR barcode displayed on my all worked!

Below is a photo of what a QR barcode looks like on a Pebble watch. This is an original "Kickstart Edition".

If you want to see a youtube video showing how a QR code is entered and sent to the Pebble watch, then click here